
Updates to Wormhole's Supported Networks

Feb 11, 2025


5 min read

The Guardian Network, which independently governs the security and sustainability of Wormhole’s cross-chain messaging infrastructure, has made the decision to adjust support for several blockchain networks on the Wormhole platform. This decision follows the comprehensive analysis of network metrics, including transaction volumes, resource utilization, and long-term sustainability factors.

Affected Networks

The following chains will undergo network support changes:

Full Deprecation

  • Terra
  • Terra2
  • Oasis
  • Aurora
  • Acala
  • Karura
  • Xpla

Frontend Transition

  • Injective
  • Osmosis
  • Evmos
  • Kujira
Implementation & Timeline
Full Network Deprecation: Summer 2025

Fully deprecating these networks involves the following 2 steps:

  1. For each of the affected chains, the Guardian Network will disconnect their respective full nodes from Wormhole. This will, in effect, prevent Wormhole messages including token transfers from going out of the network. Due to the nature of how Wormhole works, inbound messages and token transfers will continue to be possible for as long as at least 13 out of the 19 Guardians that are currently registered on the Wormhole Core Contracts on these chains are able and willing to sign messages originating from foreign chains.
  2. Portal ( will delist the affected chains from the frontend.

No delisting or messaging cutoff will occur before the summer of 2025.

Frontend Transition: Summer 2025

Select Cosmos chains will transition from first-party frontend support and discontinue subsidized IBC relaying. This involves the following 2 steps:

  1. Portal ( will no longer host a frontend to facilitate token transfers to/from the affected chains.
  2. The Wormhole Foundation will stop subsidizing IBC relaying between Wormhole Gateway and other Cosmos chains.

No changes (Portal delisting or IBC relayer cutoff) will occur before the summer of 2025.

Note that:

  • The existing IBC connections between Wormhole Gateway and the affected chains will continue to be whitelisted.
  • Wormhole Gateway will continue to operate as it currently does.
  • Anyone can permissionlessly set up their frontend and IBC relaying solution to continue providing a place for token transfers for the affected chains (see Support and Resources).
Support and Resources
Third party frontends

The teams below have indicated that token transfers will continue to be available uninterrupted for these chain.

Permissionless IBC transfers

Given that Wormhole Gateway and the existing IBC channels will continue to operate as normal, anyone can set up their frontend solution to facilitate token transfers. To do so, there are 2 necessary steps:

  1. Set up the frontend
  2. Set up IBC relaying between Wormhole Gateway and the chain
Setting up the frontend

The easiest way is to use a version of the Wormhole Connect frontend widget (0.x.x) that has support for these chains. Please find instructions to set these up in the repository’s readme at the indicated commit height. You’re also free to fork the repository and modify Wormhole Connect according to your needs.

Alternatively, if you’d like to build your own frontend, this is the SDK being used by Wormhole Connect 0.x.x:

Setting up IBC relaying

If you don’t want to host your own IBC relaying infrastructure, we recommend getting in touch with one of the service providers to set them up for you. You’ll need the channel identifier between the Cosmos chain you want to set up IBC relaying for, and Wormhole Gateway (cosmos chain ID: wormchain)

The service provider the Wormhole Foundation recommends and used is CryptoCrew Validators:

About Wormhole

Wormhole is the leading interoperability platform that powers multichain applications and bridges at scale. Wormhole provides developers access to liquidity and users on over 30 of the leading blockchain networks, enabling use cases that span DeFi, NFTs, governance, and more.

The wider Wormhole network is trusted and used by teams like Circle and Uniswap. To date, the platform has facilitated the transfer of over 40 billion dollars through over 1 billion cross-chain messages. To learn more about Wormhole, follow on Twitter, join the Discord, or read more on the blog.