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Native Token Transfers (NTT) EVM Development

Deploy Your Token and Ensure Compatibility

If you still need to do so, deploy the token contract to the destination or spoke chains.

Requirements for Token Deployment

Wormhole’s NTT is an open framework that supports various deployment modes. The NTT CLI currently supports two deployment modes: burn-and-mint and hub-and-spoke. These modes differ in how tokens are managed across chains.

Burn-and-Mint Mode

Tokens integrated with NttManager in burning mode require the following two functions to be present:

  • burn(uint256 amount)
  • mint(address account, uint256 amount)

These functions aren't part of the standard ERC-20 interface. The INttToken interface documents the required functions and convenience methods, errors, and events.

View the complete INttToken Interface`
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity >=0.8.8 <0.9.0;

interface INttToken {
    /// @notice Error when the caller is not the minter.
    /// @dev Selector 0x5fb5729e.
    /// @param caller The caller of the function.
    error CallerNotMinter(address caller);

    /// @notice Error when the minter is the zero address.
    /// @dev Selector 0x04a208c7.
    error InvalidMinterZeroAddress();

    /// @notice Error when insufficient balance to burn the amount.
    /// @dev Selector 0xcf479181.
    /// @param balance The balance of the account.
    /// @param amount The amount to burn.
    error InsufficientBalance(uint256 balance, uint256 amount);

    /// @notice The minter has been changed.
    /// @dev Topic0
    ///      0x0b5e7be615a67a819aff3f47c967d1535cead1b98db60fafdcbf22dcaa8fa5a9.
    /// @param newMinter The new minter.
    event NewMinter(address previousMinter, address newMinter);

    // NOTE: the `mint` method is not present in the standard ERC20 interface.
    function mint(address account, uint256 amount) external;

    // NOTE: the `setMinter` method is not present in the standard ERC20 interface.
    function setMinter(address newMinter) external;

    // NOTE: NttTokens in `burn` mode require the `burn` method to be present.
    //       This method is not present in the standard ERC20 interface, but is
    //       found in the `ERC20Burnable` interface.
    function burn(uint256 amount) external;

Later, you set mint authority to the corresponding NttManager contract. You can also follow the scripts in the example NTT token repository to deploy a token contract.

Hub-and-Spoke Mode

A central hub chain (e.g., Ethereum) manages the total token supply in hub-and-spoke mode. Other chains (spokes) mint or burn tokens during cross-chain transfers, ensuring consistency with the locked tokens on the hub chain.

  • Hub chain - tokens are locked on the hub chain when transferring to spoke chains
  • Spoke chains - tokens are native to the spoke chains and are either minted or burned during cross-chain transfers


The only requirement for using the NTT framework is an ERC20 token, which can be newly deployed or existing. Steps like setting mint authority apply only to spoke chains.

For example, when transferring tokens from Ethereum (hub) to Polygon (spoke), the NTT Manager locks tokens on Ethereum, and the corresponding amount is minted on Polygon. Similarly, transferring tokens back from Polygon to Ethereum burns the tokens on Polygon and unlocks the equivalent tokens on Ethereum.

This process ensures that the total token supply remains consistent across all chains, with the hub chain acting as the source of truth.

For more detailed information, see the Deployment Models page.

Key Differences Between Modes

  • Burn-and-mint - tokens must implement custom mint and burn functions, allowing each chain to manage token issuance independently
  • Hub-and-spoke - tokens only need to be ERC20 compliant, with the hub chain acting as the source of truth for supply consistency

Deploy NTT

Create a new NTT project:

ntt new my-ntt-deployment
cd my-ntt-deployment

Initialize a new deployment.json file specifying the network:

ntt init Testnet
ntt init Mainnet

Ensure you have set up your environment correctly:


Add each chain you'll be deploying to. The following example demonstrates configuring NTT in burn-and-mint mode on Ethereum Sepolia and Arbitrum Sepolia:

# Set scanner API Keys as environment variables

# Add each chain
# The contracts will be automatically verified using the scanner API keys above
ntt add-chain Sepolia --latest --mode burning --token INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_ADDRESS
ntt add-chain ArbitrumSepolia --latest --mode burning --token INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_ADDRESS

While not recommended, you can pass the -skip-verify flag to the ntt add-chain command if you want to skip contract verification.

The ntt add-chain command takes the following parameters:

  • Name of each chain
  • Version of NTT to deploy (use --latest for the latest contract versions)
  • Mode (either burning or locking)
  • Your token contract address

The NTT CLI prints detailed logs and transaction hashes, so you can see exactly what's happening under the hood.

Configure NTT

The NTT CLI takes inspiration from git. You can run:

  • ntt status - checks whether your deployment.json file is consistent with what is on-chain
  • ntt pull - syncs your deployment.json file with the on-chain configuration and set up rate limits with the appropriate number of decimals, depending on the specific chain. For example:

    For Solana, the limits are set with 9 decimal places:

    "inbound": {
        "Sepolia": "1000.000000000" // inbound limit from Sepolia to Solana

    For Sepolia (Ethereum Testnet), the limits are set with 18 decimal places:

    "inbound": {
        "Solana": "1000.000000000000000000" // inbound limit from Solana to Sepolia

    This initial configuration ensures that the rate limits are correctly represented for each chain's token precision

  • ntt push - syncs the on-chain configuration with local changes made to your deployment.json file

After you deploy the NTT contracts, ensure that the deployment is properly configured and your local representation is consistent with the actual on-chain state by running ntt status and following the instructions shown on the screen.

Set Token Minter to NTT Manager

The final step in the deployment process is to set the NTT Manager as a minter of your token on all chains you have deployed to in burning mode. When performing a hub-and-spoke deployment, it is only necessary to set the NTT Manager as a minter of the token on each spoke chain.


The required NTT Manager address can be found in the deployment.json file.

  • If you followed the INttToken interface, you can execute the setMinter(address newMinter) function

    cast send $TOKEN_ADDRESS "setMinter(address)" $NTT_MANAGER_ADDRESS --private-key $ETH_PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $YOUR_RPC_URL  

  • If you have a custom process to manage token minters, you should now follow that process to add the corresponding NTT Manager as a minter

By default, NTT transfers to EVM blockchains support automatic relaying via the Wormhole relayer, which doesn't require the user to perform a transaction on the destination chain to complete the transfer.


To proceed with testing and find integration examples, check out the NTT Post Deployment page.