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Cross-Chain Contract Tutorials

Expand the reach of your decentralized applications by building smart contracts that can communicate across multiple blockchains. Through these tutorials, you’ll learn to create robust cross-chain contracts, enabling your dApps to tap into global liquidity, diverse functionalities, and a broader user base.

  • Create Cross-Chain Messaging Contracts

    Learn how to build and deploy smart contracts that communicate seamlessly across multiple blockchains. This tutorial walks you through using Wormhole’s Solidity SDK to send and receive messages between Avalanche Fuji and Celo Alfajores, helping you master emitter validation, relayer usage, and cross-chain cost management.

    Start building

  • Create Cross-Chain Token Transfer Contracts

    Discover how to create a fully functional cross-chain token transfer system using Wormhole’s Solidity SDK. This tutorial guides you through token attestation, contract deployment, and secure transfers of ERC-20 tokens between test networks. By the end, you’ll know how to tap into global liquidity and enrich your dApps with seamless multi-chain asset movement.

    Start building

Additional Resources

  • Core Contracts

    Dive deeper into Wormhole’s foundational concepts for cross-chain contracts. Discover how messaging, guardians, and VAAs work together to enable secure, scalable dApps.

    Explore Core Contracts