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Get Started

  • Run a Custom Relayer

    This section guides you through developing your own custom off-chain relaying service, giving you greater control and flexibility than using Wormhole-deployed relayers.

    Benefits of running your own relayer:

    • You can add logic to customize the delivery of messages
    • You can perform off-chain computations resulting in optimized gas costs

    Requirements for running your own relayer:

    • You are responsible for developing and hosting your relayer
    • You are responsible for paying target chain fees
    • You are responsible for the liveness of your relayer

    Get started now

Additional Resources

  • What is a Relayer?

    Learn about what a relayer is, what role it plays in the delivery of cross-chain messages, and the different types of relayers in the Wormhole ecosystem.

    Learn more about relayers

  • Simplify the Development Process

    Use the Wormhole Relayer Engine package as a foundational toolkit to develop your own customized off-chain relaying service, enabling tailored message handling.

    Check out the Relayer Engine source code