Install the Native Token Transfers CLI#
In this video, the Wormhole team walks you through installing the Native Token Transfers (NTT) CLI. You’ll see a practical demonstration of running commands, verifying your installation, and addressing common issues that might arise. If you prefer to follow written instructions or want a quick reference for each step, scroll down for the detailed installation guide.
Install NTT CLI#
The fastest way to deploy Native Token Transfers (NTT) is using the NTT CLI. As prerequisites, ensure you have the following installed:
- Install Bun
Follow these steps to install the NTT CLI:
Run the installation command in your terminal:
Verify the NTT CLI is installed:
Once installed, check out the available NTT CLI Commands to start using the CLI
Update NTT CLI#
To update an existing NTT CLI installation, run the following command in your terminal:
NTT CLI installations and updates will always pick up the latest tag with name vX.Y.Z+cli and verify that the underlying commit is included in main.
For local development, you can update your CLI version from a specific branch or install from a local path.
To install from a specific branch, run:
To install locally, run:
Git branch and local installations enable a fast iteration loop as changes to the CLI code will immediately be reflected in the running binary without having to run any build steps.
Where to Go Next#
Deploy to EVM Chains
Deploy and configure Wormhole’s Native Token Transfers (NTT) for EVM chains, including setup, token compatibility, mint/burn modes, and CLI usage.
Deploy to Solana
Deploy and configure Wormhole's Native Token Transfers (NTT) for Solana, including setup, token compatibility, mint/burn modes, and CLI usage.