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Deploy Native Token Transfers on Solana

Native Token Transfers (NTT) enable seamless multichain transfers of SPL tokens on Solana using Wormhole's messaging protocol. Instead of creating wrapped tokens, NTT allows native assets to move across chains while maintaining their original properties.

This guide walks you through deploying NTT on Solana, including setting up dependencies, configuring token compatibility, and using the NTT CLI to deploy in hub-and-spoke or burn-and-mint mode.

By the end, a fully deployed NTT will be set up, allowing your token to transfer between Solana and other supported chains.


Before deploying NTT on Solana, ensure you have the following:

Use the Solana and Anchor versions listed above to avoid compatibility issues while following this guide.

Overview of the Deployment Process

Deploying NTT with the CLI on Solana follows a structured process:

  1. Choose your token setup:

    • Use an existing SPL token - if your token is already deployed on Solana, you can skip token creation and move directly to the Set Up NTT section
    • Create a new SPL token - if you don't already have an SPL token deployed, you'll need to deploy and configure it on Solana before integrating with Wormhole's NTT

      Create and Mint SPL Tokens

      This section walks you through generating a Solana wallet, deploying an SPL token, creating a token account, and minting tokens.

      1. Generate a Solana key pair - run the following command to create a new wallet:

        solana-keygen grind --starts-with w:1 --ignore-case
      2. Set Solana configuration - configure the Solana CLI to use the generated key pair using the following command:

        solana config set --keypair INSERT_PATH_TO_KEYPAIR_JSON
      3. Select an RPC URL - configure Solana to use the appropriate network using one of the following commands:

        solana config set -um
        solana config set -ut
        solana config set -ud
      4. Fund your wallet - ensure you have enough SOL to create a token. If deploying on devnet, request an airdrop with the following commands:

        solana airdrop 2
        solana balance
      5. Install SPL Token CLI - install or update the required CLI tool

        cargo install spl-token-cli
      6. Create a new SPL token - initialize the token on Solana

        spl-token create-token
      7. Create a token account - generate an account to hold the token

        spl-token create-account INSERT_TOKEN_ADDRESS
      8. Mint tokens - send 1000 tokens to the created account

        spl-token mint INSERT_TOKEN_ADDRESS 1000


      NTT versions >=v2.0.0+solana support SPL tokens with transfer hooks.

  2. Choose your deployment model:

    • Hub-and-spoke - tokens are locked on a hub chain and minted on destination spoke chains. Since the token supply remains controlled by the hub chain, no changes to the minting authority are required
    • Burn-and-mint - tokens are burned on the source chain and minted on the destination chain. This requires transferring the SPL token's minting authority to the Program Derived Address (PDA) controlled by the NTT program
  3. Deploy and configure NTT - use the NTT CLI to initialize and deploy the NTT program, specifying your SPL token and deployment mode

Following this process, your token will fully integrate with NTT, enabling seamless transfers between Solana and other chains.

By default, NTT transfers to Solana require manual relaying, meaning users must complete a transaction on Solana to finalize the transfer. For automatic relaying, where transactions are completed without user intervention, additional setup is required. Contact Wormhole contributors to enable automatic relaying support for your deployment.

Set Up NTT

To integrate your token with NTT on Solana, you must initialize the deployment and configure its parameters. This process sets up the required contracts and may generate key pairs if they don't exist. These key pairs are used to sign transactions and authorize actions within the NTT deployment.

The NTT CLI manages deployments, configures settings, and interacts with the NTT system. Follow these steps to set up NTT using the CLI tool:

  1. Create a new NTT project - set up a deployment workspace

  2. Initialize the deployment - generate a deployment.json file with your deployment settings

    ntt init Mainnet
    ntt init Testnet


Testnet deployment settings work for both Solana Testnet and Devnet networks.

Set Mint Authority

If you use burn-and-mint mode, follow these steps to enable the NTT program to mint tokens on Solana. This involves deriving the PDA as the token authority and updating the SPL token's minting permissions.

If you want to use hub-and-spoke, skip this section and proceed to Deploy and Configure NTT.

Before updating the mint authority, you must create metadata for your SPL token. You can visit this repository to see an example of how to create metadata for your SPL token.

Follow these steps to set the mint authority using the NTT CLI:

  1. Generate an NTT program key pair - create a unique key pair for the NTT program. The key pair must start with "ntt" to identify it as belonging to the NTT deployment

    solana-keygen grind --starts-with ntt:1 --ignore-case
  2. Derive the token authority - generate the PDA, which will manage token minting

    ntt solana token-authority INSERT_YOUR_NTT_PROGRAM_KEY_PAIR
  3. Set SPL token mint authority - delegate minting control to the derived PDA

    spl-token authorize INSERT_TOKEN_ADDRESS mint INSERT_DERIVED_PDA

Deploy and Configure NTT

After setting up your deployment, finalize the configuration and deploy the NTT program on Solana by following these steps:

  1. Deploy NTT to Solana - run the appropriate command based on your deployment mode:

    ntt add-chain Solana --latest --mode burning --token INSERT_TOKEN_ADDRESS --payer INSERT_YOUR_KEYPAIR_JSON --program-key INSERT_YOUR_NTT_PROGRAM_KEYPAIR_JSON
    ntt add-chain Solana --latest --mode locking --token INSERT_TOKEN_ADDRESS --payer INSERT_YOUR_KEYPAIR_JSON --program-key INSERT_YOUR_NTT_PROGRAM_KEYPAIR_JSON


    The add-chain command accepts an optional --solana-priority-fee flag, which sets the priority fee in microlamports. The default is 50000.

  2. Verify deployment status - after deployment, check if your deployment.json file matches the on-chain configuration using the following command:

    ntt status

    If needed, sync your local configuration with the on-chain state:

    ntt pull
  3. Configure inbound and outbound rate limits - by default, the inbound and outbound limits are set to 0 and must be updated before deployment. For EVM chains, values must be set using 18 decimals, while Solana uses nine decimals.

    Open your deployment.json file and adjust the values based on your use case:

    "inbound": {
        "Sepolia": "1000.000000000" // inbound limit from Sepolia to Solana
    "outbound": {
        "Sepolia": "1000.000000000" // outbound limit from Solana to Sepolia
  4. Push the final deployment - once rate limits are set, push the deployment to Solana using the specified key pair to cover gas fees

    ntt push --payer INSERT_YOUR_KEYPAIR_JSON

Troubleshoot Deployment Issues

If your deployment fails, it may be due to leftover program buffer accounts taking up storage on Solana. These temporary accounts are created during deployment but may persist if interrupted. Refer to the Solana program deployment guide for instructions on finding and closing these buffer accounts to free up space and allow redeployment.

Where to Go Next

  • Deploy NTT on EVM Chains

    After deploying NTT on Solana, deploy and integrate it on EVM chains to enable seamless multichain transfers.

    Deploy NTT on EVM

  • Test Your Deployment

    Follow the NTT Post Deployment Guide for integration examples and testing instructions.

    Test Your NTT deployment

  • Add NTT to Your dApp

    Configure Wormhole Connect, a plug-and-play bridging UI, to enable multichain transfers for your token.

    Use Connect to Integrate NTT