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This page features various demos showcasing Wormhole's features, including starter apps, cross-chain examples, and UI components for token transfers and lending protocols.


Scaffolding is a starter application repository that contains example dApps that integrate with Wormhole messaging. It includes basic xDapp structures, tests, and walkthroughs for core components like Wormhole messaging and the portal token bridge.

Wormhole Examples

Wormhole Examples contains a variety of example components. It features a mix of relayers, cross-chain applications, NFT projects, and more.

Basic Examples

Basic Examples features straightforward example projects that showcase minimum-code examples for how to send messages, tokens, and other standard functions.

Native USDC Bridging

The Native USDC Bridging repo demonstrates an integration of Circle's Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol using Wormhole.

Reference Bridge UI

Reference Bridge UI is an example GUI that can be used to perform token transfers around the ecosystem.

Borrow Lend

Borrow Lend contains two examples of cross-chain lending protocol implementations. The first example provides a basic lending skeleton for borrowing and lending between two chains. In contrast, the second example offers a more advanced cross-chain lending model using a hub-and-spoke approach.

Wormhole NTT Connect Demo

The Wormhole NTT Connect demo configures a Vite-React TypeScript application using the Wormhole TypeScript SDK and, as an example, preconfigures the Wormhole Connect widget to allow transfers between Sepolia and Solana Testnet environments.

Wormhole Demo NTT TS SDK

The Demo NTT TS SDK Example demonstrates the use of the Wormhole TS SDK to facilitate token transfers between different blockchain networks after performing a deployment of the Native Token Transfers framework.