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Troubleshooting NTT Deployment

If you encounter issues during the NTT deployment process, check the following common points:

  • Solana and Anchor versions - ensure you are using the expected versions of Solana and Anchor as outlined in the deployment page
  • Token compliance on EVM - verify that your token is an ERC20 token on the EVM chain
  • Mint authority transfer
  • Decimal configuration - run ntt pull to correctly configure the decimals in your deployment.json file. More details in the configure NTT section
  • Rate limit configuration - increase your rate limits to a value greater than zero. A rate limit of zero can cause transactions to get stuck. Learn more on how to configure rate limits
  • Docker environment based on Ubuntu 20.04 with all dependencies required for Wormhole NTT CLI development - run docker compose up -d to start the container in your terminal from the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file

        FROM ubuntu:20.04
        # Set environment variables to prevent interactive prompts during installation
        ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
        # Update and install necessary dependencies
        RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
            curl \
            wget \
            git \
            build-essential \
            libssl-dev \
            libudev-dev \
            pkg-config \
            python3 \
            python3-pip \
            software-properties-common \
            ca-certificates \
            unzip \
            clang \
            cmake \
            protobuf-compiler \
            && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
        # Install Rust
        RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y
        ENV PATH="/root/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
        # Install Solana CLI (v1.18.26)
        RUN sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"
        ENV PATH="/root/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin:$PATH"
        # Install Anchor using avm
        RUN cargo install --git avm --locked --force \
            && avm install 0.29.0 \
            && avm use 0.29.0
        ENV PATH="/root/.avm/bin:$PATH"
        ENV NVM_DIR=/root/.nvm
        RUN curl -o- | bash \
            && . "$NVM_DIR/" \
            && nvm install 22 \
            && nvm use 22 \
            && nvm alias default 22
        ENV PATH="$NVM_DIR/versions/node/v22.12.0/bin:$PATH"
        # Install Bun
        RUN curl -fsSL | bash
        ENV PATH="/root/.bun/bin:$PATH"
        # Install Foundry
        RUN curl -L | bash
        ENV PATH="/root/.foundry/bin:${PATH}"
        RUN /bin/bash -c "source /root/.bashrc && foundryup"
        # Install Wormhole NTT CLI
        RUN curl -fsSL | bash
        # Add a default working directory
        WORKDIR /app
        # Expose port for development if needed
        EXPOSE 8899
        # Entry point for the container
        CMD ["bash"]
                    context: .
                    dockerfile: Dockerfile
                platform: linux/amd64
                    - ./src:/app
                working_dir: /app
                tty: true