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Native Token Transfers (NTT) Post Deployment

Post Deployment

To offer the best user experience and ensure the most robust deployment, Wormhole contributors recommend the following after you have deployed NTT:

  • Implement a robust testing plan for your multichain token before launching
  • Ensure comprehensive, documented security measures are followed regarding custody of contract ownership, control of keys, and access control roles
  • Consider a streamlined, customizable frontend such as Wormhole Connect for an optimized user experience
  • Alternatively the Wormhole SDK allows for a direct integration into your infrastructure
  • Ensure ecosystem actors such as block explorers, automated security tools (such as BlockAid and Blowfish), wallets (such as MetaMask, Backpack, and Phantom) are aware of your multichain deployment and that it is labeled appropriately
  • Monitor and maintain your multichain deployment