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Native Token Transfers (NTT) Solana Deployment

Install Dependencies

Ensure you have the following dependencies installed:

Deploy NTT

Create a new NTT project (or use an existing NTT project):

ntt new my-ntt-deployment
cd my-ntt-deployment

Initialize a new deployment.json file, specifying the network:

ntt init Testnet
ntt init Mainnet

Deploy your SPL Token

If you haven't already, deploy your SPL token to Solana.

  1. Generate a new Solana key pair to create a wallet:

    solana-keygen grind --starts-with w:1 --ignore-case

  2. Set Solana configuration to use the new key pair:

    solana config set --keypair INSERT_PATH_TO_KEYPAIR_CREATED_IN_STEP1

  3. Set the Solana configuration to use the default RPC URL for DevNet:

    solana config set -ud

  4. Request an airdrop of two SOL and check the balance:

    solana airdrop 2 & solana balance

  5. Install or update the SPL Token CLI:

    cargo install spl-token-cli

  6. Create a new token with the SPL Token CLI using the token-2022 program:

    spl-token create-token --program-id TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb 

  7. Create a new account for the token:

    spl-token create-account INSERT_ADDRESS_OF_TOKEN_CREATED_IN_STEP6 --program-id TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb

  8. Mint 1000 tokens to the created account:


NTT versions >=v2.0.0+solana support SPL tokens with transfer hooks.

Configuration and Deployment

Generate NTT Program Key Pair

When you deploy a Solana program, you need to hardcode the program ID (a Pubkey) into the program code. The NTT CLI allows you to do this seamlessly.

Generate a new NTT program key pair using:

solana-keygen grind --starts-with ntt:1 --ignore-case

Derive Token Authority

In this step, you'll derive the token authority Program Derived Address (PDA) of the newly generated NTT program ID:

ntt solana token-authority INSERT_YOUR_NTT_PROGRAM_KEY_PAIR

Set SPL Token Mint Authority

In this step, you'll set SPL token mint authority to the newly generated token authority PDA:


If deploying to Solana in burning mode, set the mint authority for your SPL token to the NTT program ID you generated in the previous step.

Deploy NTT

Generate or export your payer key pair, then run:

ntt add-chain Solana --latest --mode burning --token INSERT_YOUR_SPL_TOKEN --payer INSERT_YOUR_KEYPAIR_JSON --program-key INSERT_YOUR_NTT_PROGRAM_KEYPAIR_JSON

The NTT Solana program will then compile and deploy.

Configure NTT

As with other deployments, run the following commands to ensure that the on-chain configuration is correct and your local deployment.json file is synced with the on-chain state:

ntt status
ntt pull


You can now push the deployment to the Solana network, specifying the key pair that will cover the gas fees:


By default, NTT transfers to Solana support manual relaying, which requires the user to perform a transaction on Solana to complete the transfer. UI components such as Wormhole Connect support this out of the box. For automatic Wormhole relaying support on Solana, contact Wormhole contributors.